Solar Proof API Documentation - Get Customer



API > Customers > Get All Customers


Get all customers from users in a company.

api_key (string) Your API key.
action (string) "getallcustomers".
page (string) Gets max 50 customers at a time. Page 2 gets 51 - 100, page 3 gets 101 - 150 and so on.
200 (Success) Returns

Array of customer details:

customer_id (string) The identifier of the customer.
gst_status (string) The GSTstatus of the customer (GST Registered / Not GST Registered).
customer_first_name (string) The first name of the customer.
customer_last_name (string) The last name of the customer.
customer_phone_1 (string) The primary phone number of the customer.
customer_phone_2 (string) The secondary phone number of the customer.
customer_email (string) The email address of the customer.
customer_type (string) The customer type identifier (Residential / Commercial).
company_name (string) The customer's company name.
company_phone (string) The phone number of customer's company.
owner_user_info (array)

The user who created the customer:

user_id (string) The id of the user who created the customer.
first_name (string) The first name of the user who created the customer.
last_name (string) The last name of the user who created the customer.
email (string) The email of the user who created the customer.
work_title (string) The work title of the user who created the customer.
username (string) The username of the user who created the customer.
creation_date (string) When the campaign was created, in ISO 8601 format (E.g. 2025-03-09 22:12:25).
customer_notes (array)

An array of notes entered about the customer:

datetime (string) The datetime when the note was created (E.g. 2025-03-09 22:12:25).
note (string) The note made by the owner user.
creation_status (string) Attempts to return the status of the customer as indicated by the status index.
projects (array)

An array of projects created for the customer:

project_id (string) The identifier for the project.
project_title (string) The title given to the project.
site_address (array)

An array of address components for the project:

streetnum (string) Site street number.
Street (string) Site street name.
suburb (string) Site suburb.
state (string) Site state.
postcode (string) Site postcode.
country (string) Site country.
solar_panel_quantity (string) The quantity of solar panels for the given project.
solar_panel_type (string) The type of solar panels for the given project.
inverter_quantity (string) The quantity of inverters for the given project.
inverter_type (string) The type of inverter for the given project.
system_size (string) The size of the given project in kW.
proposal_link (string) The link to the Solar Proof PDF proposal of the project (if published).
Non-200 (Error) Returns

Details of the error:

code (string) The error code.
message (string) A description of the error.
Example Request
Example Response

    "customer_id": "71553",
    "gst_status": "Not GST Registered",
    "customer_first_name": "Will",
    "customer_last_name": "Jones",
    "customer_phone_1": "0400 000 888",
    "customer_phone_2": "",
    "customer_email": "",
    "customer_type": "Residential",
    "company_name": "",
    "company_phone": "",
    "owner_user_info": {
        "user_id": "221",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "User",
        "phone_number": "0415 644 644",
        "email": "",
        "work_title": "Director",
        "username": "user1"
    "creation_date": "2020-05-26",
    "customer_notes": [],
    "customer_status": "No Status Set",
    "status": "",
    "projects": [
            "project_id": "1640",
            "project_title": "Project #1640",
            "site_address": {
                "streetnum": "175",
                "street": "Pitt Street",
                "suburb": "Sydney",
                "state": "NSW",
                "postcode": "2000",
                "country": "Australia"
            "solar_panel_quantity": "7",
            "solar_panel_type": "320W - SUNPOWER CORPORATION - (SPR-E19-320)",
            "inverter_quantity": "1",
            "inverter_type": "Zeversolar 4kW (TLC4000)",
            "system_size": 2.24,
            "proposal_link": "\/uploads\/fa00dfba91388ede4483011b455d93\/pdfs\/1640\/proposal_1640.pdf?0413d36ae09d85dc0f3179f4c0fbfaa4"
    "customer_id": "71554",
    "gst_status": "Not GST Registered",
    "customer_first_name": "Will",
    "customer_last_name": "Jones",
    "customer_phone_1": "0400 000 888",
    "customer_phone_2": "",
    "customer_email": "",
    "customer_type": "Residential",
    "company_name": "",
    "company_phone": "",
    "owner_user_info": {
        "user_id": "221",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "User",
        "phone_number": "0415 644 644",
        "email": "",
        "work_title": "Director",
        "username": "user1"
    "creation_date": "2020-05-26",
    "customer_notes": [
            "datetime": "2020-05-28 15:12:40",
            "note": "Will is a friendly guy. Wants a call next monday"
    "customer_status": "No Status Set",
    "status": "",
    "projects": [],
    "Message": "Unable to process request 3"