Solar Proof API Documentation



API > Customers > Get Customer ID By Email


Get id of a customer using their email address.

api_key (string) Your API key.
action (string) "getcustomerid".
customer_email (string) The email of the customer you want to get.
200 (Success) Returns

Email address of the customer:

customer_email (string) The email address of the customer.
Non-200 (Error) Returns

Details of the error:

code (string) The error code.
message (string) A description of the error.
Method-specific Error Codes
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND The campaign could not be found.
API-wide Error Codes
INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters are missing or invalid.
Example Request
Example Response
    "customer_id": "71705",
    "gst_status": "Not GST Registered",
    "customer_first_name": "Herka",
    "customer_last_name": "Jerman",
    "customer_phone_1": "0499399399",
    "customer_phone_2": "",
    "customer_email": "",
    "customer_type": "Residential",
    "company_name": "",
    "company_phone": "",
    "owner_user_info": {
        "user_id": "16",
        "first_name": "Chris",
        "last_name": "Taeni",
        "phone_number": "0411 549 054",
        "email": "",
        "work_title": "Director",
        "username": "ctaeni2"
    "creation_date": "2020-11-19",
    "customer_notes": "",
    "customer_status": "0",
    "projects": [
            "project_id": "849",
            "project_title": "Project #849",
            "site_address": {
                "streetnum": "418",
                "street": "Murray Street",
                "suburb": "Perth",
                "state": "WA",
                "postcode": "6000",
                "country": "Australia"
            "solar_panel_quantity": "56",
            "solar_panel_type": "320W - SUNPOWER CORPORATION - (SPR-E19-320)",
            "inverter_type": "SMA Australia Pty Ltd 20kW (STP20000TL-30)",
            "inverter_quantity": "1",
            "system_size": "17.92kW",
            "proposal_link": ""
            "project_id": "851",
            "project_title": "Project #851",
            "site_address": {
                "streetnum": "15",
                "street": "Aberdeen Street",
                "suburb": "Perth",
                "state": "WA",
                "postcode": "6000",
                "country": "Australia"
            "solar_panel_quantity": "240",
            "solar_panel_type": "320W - SUNPOWER CORPORATION - (SPR-E19-320)",
            "inverter_type": "SMA Australia Pty Ltd 20kW (STP20000TL-30)",
            "inverter_quantity": "1",
            "system_size": "17.92kW",
            "proposal_link": "\/uploads\/fa00dfba91388ede4483011b455d93\/pdfs\/851\/proposal_851.pdf?58ef4da1d82612f7feabf0f2f16ba162"