Solar Proof API Documentation



API > Projects > Get customer of project


Get customer of project.

action (string) getcustomerofproject
project_id (string) The ID of the project you want to get.
api_key (string) Your API key.
200 (Success) Returns

Details of the Customer:

Message (string) Customer details retrieved successfully!
Customer (object)
customerID (integer) The identifier of the customer
uid (string) Unique identifier of the customer
gstRegistered (integer) GST Registered
firstName (string) The first name of the customer.
surname (string) The last name of the customer.
phone1 (string) The primary phone number of the customer.
phone2 (string) The secondary phone number of the customer.
email (string) The email address of the customer.
companyName (string) The customer's company name.
companyPhone (string) The phone number of customer's company.
customerabn (string) The abn number of customer's company
siteAddress (string) Address components for the project
note (string) The note for the Customer
contactTime (string) Contact time for the Customer
Non-200 (Error) Returns

Details of the error:

code (string) The error code.
message (string) A description of the error.
Method-specific Error Codes
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND The campaign could not be found.
API-wide Error Codes
INVALID_PARAMETERS Parameters are missing or invalid.
API_KEY_INVALID Your API key is invalid.
UNAUTHORISED You're not authorised to perform that action.
NOT_FOUND The requested endpoint does not exist.
UNKNOWN An unknown error has occurred.
Example Response

    "Message": "Customer details retrieved successfully!",
    "Customer": {
        "customerID": 79298,
        "uid": null,
        "gstRegistered": 0,
        "firstName": "Judy",
        "surname": "Matherson",
        "phone1": "61411549054",
        "phone2": "",
        "email": "",
        "companyName": "Solar Proof",
        "companyPhone": "1300 602 452",
        "customerabn": null,
        "siteAddress": "132 Mono Drive, Brisbane, QLD, 4321",
        "note": "",
        "contactTime": null