Solar Proof API Documentation - Get Project



API > Projects > Get Project


Get details of a project.

action (string) getprojectinfo.
project_id (string) The ID of the project you want to get.
api_key (string) Your API key.
expanded (integer) Set to 1 to retrieve expanded project information.
200 (Success) Returns

Details of the project:

project_info (array)
project_id (string) The identifier of the project.
quotenickname (string) The project nickname.
user_id (integer) ID of the user to whom the project belongs.
battery_id (integer) ID of the battery used in the project (if any).
batteryqty (integer) Qty of batteries used in the project (if any).
afterrebatecost (string) The final cost for the project including GST and after any applicable rebates.
url (string)
quotecreationdate (string) Date and time of project creation (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
signed_at (string) Date and time project has been signed (format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) - if not signed returns '0000-00-00'
customer_id (integer) ID of the customer for whom the project is created (if any).
siteaddress (json encoded object) The address of the project.
rooftype (string) The roof type of the project site.
roofheight (string) The roof height of the project site.
energyretailer (string) The energy retailer defined in the project.
nmi (integer) The NMI defined in the project.
monitoring_type (string) The monitoring type defined in the project.
meter_number (string) The meter number defined in the project.
phase_supply (string) The phase supply defined in the project.
dailykwhuse (integer) The project energy use before solar (kWh).
costperkwh (float) The flat cost of energy (before solar) given in the project (if any).
powerpriceincrease (float) The annual increase in power rates defined in the project.
exportvalue (float) The value of any exported solar energy (feed-in-tariff) per kWh.
exportlimit (float) The export limit set for the project.
paneltype (string) A description of the solar panel used in the project.
panelwattage (integer) The wattage for the solar panel used in the project.
panelqty (integer) The quantity of panels used in the project.
invertertype (string) A description of the inverter used in the project.
inverterqty (integer) The quantity of inverters used in the project.
invertersystemcapacity (float) The capacity of the inverter used in the project (kW).
racking (string) The description of racking given in the project.
stcvalue (float) The value of STC rebates used in the project.
stcqty (integer) The quantity of STCs used in the project.
financetype (string) The type of project financing set for the project.
financerepaymentamount (float) The finance repayment amount for the project.
financerepaymentfrequency (string) The repayment frequency set for the project (Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Yearly).
financeterm (integer) The quantity of intervals for the solar system financing (term).
balloonpayment (float) The finance balloon payment (if applicable).
paymenttype (integer)
percentagerate (float) The finance percentage rate set for the project.
financeyears (float) The number of years over which percentage finance is set in the project.
quoteexpiry (integer) The number of days for which the project is valid from the publication date.
map_image (string) The map image URL path for the project (if set).
proposal_link (string) The proposal link URL path for the most recently published project (if set).
panel_brand (string) The brand of panel used in the project.
panel_model (string) The solar panel model number used in the project.
inverter_brand (string) The brand of inverter used in the project.
inverter_model (string) The inverter model number used in the project (for singular inverter projects).
project_notes (json encoded string) The project notes for the project.
expanded_info (array)

The expanded (related) project information (when expanded=1 is sent):

username (string) The username of the user associated with the project.
name (string) The full name of the user associated with the project.
email (string) The email of the user associated with the project.
companyname (string) The company name of the user associated with the project.
companyaddress (string) The company address of the user associated with the project.
companyphone (string) The company phone number of the user associated with the project.
companyemail (string) The company email of the user associated with the project.
companywebsite (string) The company website of the user associated with the project.
userphone (string) The phone number of the user associated with the project.
pricingitems (string)
pricingsystems (string) The work title of the user who created the customer.
map_capture_properties (string)
customer_statuses (string)
batterycapacity (string)
batteryname (string)
batterybrand (string)
batterymodel (string)
company_id (string) ID of the company to which the user belongs.
Non-200 (Error) Returns

Details of the error:

code (string) The error code.
message (string) A description of the error.
Example Request
Example Response
    "project_info": [
            "project_id": "2143",
            "quotenickname": "Project #2143",
            "user_id": "321",
            "battery_id": "5",
            "batteryqty": "1",
            "afterrebatecost": "15500",
            "url": null,
            "quotecreationdate": "2022-08-15 00:38:24",
            "customer_id": "80008",
            "siteaddress": "{\"streetnum\":\"447\",\"street\":\"Collins St\",\"suburb\":\"Melbourne\",\"state\":\"VIC\",\"postcode\":\"3000\",\"country\":\"AU\"}",
            "rooftype": "Tin",
            "roofheight": "Single Storey",
            "energyretailer": "",
            "nmi": "",
            "siteinspection": "",
            "dailykwhuse": "20",
            "costperkwh": "0.265",
            "powerpriceincrease": "3",
            "exportvalue": "0.08",
            "exportlimit": "0",
            "paneltype": "365W - LONGI Solar - (LR6-72PE-365M)",
            "panelwattage": "365",
            "panelqty": "33",
            "invertertype": "GOODWE 5kW (GW5000-DT)",
            "inverterqty": "1",
            "invertersystemcapacity": "0",
            "racking": "Clenergy",
            "stcvalue": "37",
            "stcqty": "114",
            "financetype": "finance",
            "financerepaymentamount": "0",
            "financerepaymentfrequency": "Weekly",
            "financeterm": "0",
            "balloonpayment": "0",
            "paymenttype": "0",
            "percentagerate": "0",
            "financeyears": "0",
            "quoteexpiry": "14",
            "map_image": "http:\/\/solarproof.test\/uploads\/mapScreenshots\/2143.png",
            "proposal_link": "http:\/\/solarproof.test\/uploads\/fa00dfba91388ede4483011b455d93\/pdfs\/2143\/proposal_2143.pdf?166951c7532d978baa7705824c0ac68c",
            "panel_model": "LR6-72PE-365M",
            "panel_brand": "LONGI Solar",
            "inverter_model": "Symo 15.0-3-M",
            "inverter_brand": "Fronius International GmbH"
    "expanded_info": [
            "username": "",
            "name": "Jim Smith",
            "email": "",
            "companyname": "Solar Proof",
            "companyaddress": "PO Box 630, Mullumbimby, NSW, 2482",
            "companyphone": "07 3054 4308",
            "companyemail": "",
            "companywebsite": "",
            "userphone": "0411 549 054",
            "pricingitems": "[{\"name\":\"Jinko solar panel\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Jinko solar panel\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"220\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"12\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"3432.00\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1638151834861},{\"name\":\"Fronius 5kW Inverter\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Fronius 5kW Inverter\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"1700\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"2145\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"1\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"2145.00\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1661132880824},{\"name\":\"Trina Panel\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Trina Panel\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"100\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"125\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"1\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"125\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1661135975322}]",
            "pricingsystems": "[{\"name\":\"My 2 panel special jinko system\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"Jinko solar panel\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Jinko solar panel\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"220\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"1\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1638151834861},{\"name\":\"Jinko solar panel\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Jinko solar panel\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"220\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"1\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1638151834861}],\"price\":572},{\"name\":\"system\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"Jinko solar panel\",\"value\":[{\"name\":\"description\",\"value\":\"Jinko solar panel\"},{\"name\":\"cost price\",\"value\":\"220\"},{\"name\":\"item price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"quantity\",\"value\":\"1\"},{\"name\":\"line price\",\"value\":\"286\"},{\"name\":\"item units\",\"value\":\"Units\"}],\"id\":1638151834861}],\"price\":286}]",
            "map_capture_properties": null,
            "customer_statuses": "[{\"name\":\"Leads\",\"id\":1},{\"name\":\"Appointments\",\"id\":2},{\"name\":\"Other status for customers\",\"id\":3},{\"name\":\"Another status\",\"id\":4},{\"name\":\"Almost finished the job\",\"id\":5},{\"name\":\"Follow up the job with a feedback\",\"id\":6},{\"name\":\"Post installation survey\",\"id\":7}]",
            "gifted_quota_recurring": null,
            "batterycapacity": "9.8",
            "batteryname": "LG Chem RESU 9.8kWh With Expansion",
            "batterybrand": "LG",
            "batterymodel": "RESU 9.8kWh",
            "company_id": "321"