How to quote solar systems - 10 Rules by Solar Proof

How To Quote Solar Systems - 10 Rules


Succeeding in solar sales broken down.

When it comes to quoting on solar, many businesses could improve. The basics are often covered in one way or another but what's lacking is often some strategy and clarity. These 10 "rules" aim to offer some guidance from years of experience selling solar systems and quoting on just about every type of system there is.

  1. Never quote over the phone

    Most salespeople know this one. It's a golden rule. Once you put a price out there on the phone to a prospect, you might as well have killed the deal. You've brought yourself to the same level as all your competition and the only thing that now separates you from them (in your prospects mind) is the price. So if you know 100% that you have the best price full stop, then maybe it's OK. But even then, you need the opportunity to convince your prospect first that you are the best choice. You are the safest, most professional, experienced, trustworthy option for them.

  2. Quote fast

    OK, this is an obvious one. Get in touch with leads while they're HOT! This is a golden rule. And it comes down to the 4 stages of change. This is a well known psychological process and it goes like this:

    • Precontemplation
    • Contemplation
    • Preparation
    • Action

    We don't want leads unless they are at the END OF THE PREPARATION stage. They have decided they are ready to make a move and they've taken some action to show that. Note the important thing here is the timeframe. In this process, your prospect is going to take action so if you're late to the table, you might miss out!

  3. Follow up

    OK another pretty obvious one. But it's SO OFTEN ignored! By following up on a quote you've sent, not only do you have another chance to close the sale, but you can get valuable information at the very least which can help you improve your next quote. Take the opportunity to give the prospect a quick survey - this is THE MOST VALUABLE feedback you could get.

  4. Give a succinct report

    People don't want to trawl through textual information. Less than ever before! The information age demands fast communication and this is what people expect. Put together a professional proposal which can communicate quickly the main selling points of your offer.

  5. Provide details

    Some customers don't need details - but some won't buy without full specifications. So give your prospect the choice - provide full technical specs, procedural information, cashflow projections and everything in between. The trick here - is to provide this information as appendices. You might also consider adding: solar shading information, third-party backing of your products, other benefits of solar - thermal benefits, demand reduction and complex explanations, tariff change information.

  6. Showcase your products

    Make certain your prospect knows exactly what you're offering. Many solar companies STILL don't give customers information on the panels and inverter they are trying to sell! This is unthinkable. Let customers know which brands you're using and what makes those brands an excellent choice.

  7. Do a song and dance about your company

    This could be the deciding factor - how does your company stand out from the competition? Make it known that you are the best - tell your prospect about your achievements, your experience and why they should trust you above all others.

  8. Be the trusted expert

    Trust is everything. If you convince your prospect that you are trustworthy, you might as well have got the sale. It's VERY hard to lose a sale when the prospect 100% trusts you right? One tool which will build trust in a HUGE way is of course Solar Proof - use it and build trust instantly, bringing your conversion rate up dramatically.

  9. Give a final price

    Yes, they want prices and they want honest prices. Make sure you don't backflip around pricing the system. Be clear and fair about how you price the system. Once you've given the price - shut up and listen. This is possibly the most CRUCIAL part of the sales process. Because it's where the prospect either says "yes I'll buy" - you need to hear that - OR they voice their objections. If they tell you their objections - fix them! Then you've got the sale.

  10. Call to action!

    Tell your prospect what to do. On a quote you should be clear about how to accept the quote and what they should do. E.g. Sign here and return this quote to Doing this is a must - a compelling call to action can increase your conversions and win you more sales!