Differences in Aerial imagery quality - Who has the best? Nearmaps, Google Maps and more

Published: September 3, 2024

Differences in Aerial Imagery

Today we launched an update on our imagery. Here's what changed:

  • Simplified Nearmap imagery date timeline
  • Added Six Maps Integration (NSW)
  • Added QLD Globe Integration (QLD)
  • Added Location SA Integration (SA)
  • Added List Map Integration (TAS)
  • What makes this analysis so great?

Imagery Comparisons

Below let's take a look at some random locations around Australia to get an idea of how the different imagery providers stack up against eachother.

Example NSW (Six Maps)

112 Talavera Rd, NSW

Sixmaps Imagery
Nearmaps Imagery

The Nearmap imagery on the right is a little bit sharper than the available imagery through six maps, but not by a lot!

Example South Australia (Location SA)

114 Queen St, Toorak Gardens, SA

Location SA Imagery
Nearmaps Imagery

The Location SA imagery actually looks superior in this case to the premium Nearmaps image! Keep in mind of course that Nearmaps take regular images and will likely have a better shot at another time in metro areas like this.

Example Queensland Australia (QLD Globe)

435 Kelvin Grove Rd, Brisbane, QLD

QLD Globe Imagery
Nearmaps Imagery

This is when you can be glad to have Nearmap imagery! The QLD Globe image has glare and isn't great, although likely better than Google Maps.

Example Tasmania Australia (List Map)

55 Queen St, Hobart, Tas

List Map Imagery
Nearmaps Imagery

Clearly if you need images for Hobart, List Map is not going to replace Nearmap!


In NSW and SA it looks like Six Maps and Location SA, respectively, provide some pretty comparable aerial imagery to the likes of Nearmaps. While things get worse when we look at QLD Globe and List Map (Tas). Nearmap is still without a doubt the top Aerial imagery provider, but it doesn't hurt to have some handy backup options at the click of a mouse!

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Chris Taeni - BEngg (Power)

Solar Proof Solutions Pty Ltd


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